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Peter O’Sullivan’s Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) for complex back pain disorders

Peter O Sullivan has developed an assessment and treatment approach called ‘ Cognitive Functional Therapy’ (CFT). CFT is an approach to the management of pain disorders that considers factors across the biopsychosocial spectrum that contribute to the development and maintenance of a pain disorder. It provides a logical framework allowing skilled clinicians both diagnose, triage and target management where appropriate. CFT integrates cognitive strategies and functional rehabilitation to change provocative movement and cognitive behaviours that provoke and maintain pain.

This approach has been developed through a combination of synthesis of contemporary scientific literature and a body of original research led by Prof Peter
O’Sullivan and a collaborative team of international researchers. There is emerging evidence that the CFT approach provide better clinical outcomes than current best clinical practice in the management of non-specific chronic spinal pain.
This unique 3 day workshop outlines Peter O Sullivan’s classification model for the assessment and management of complex back pain disorders. The workshop is dynamic, interactive and practical. It includes patient demonstrations, clinical reasoning and equips physiotherapists to develop skills in diagnostics as well as the design of CFT interventions for specific disorder. Be prepared to change your beliefs about back pain if you sign up for this workshop.

Presentor is Wim Dankaerts. Wim is a certified CFT educator. He is both, a highly skilled clinician, leading clinical researcher and dynamic educator. Wim Dankaerts is an Associate Professor in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He also works part-time in private practice in Tienen (Belgium) as a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. Wim graduated as a physiotherapist from the University of Leuven (1990) and received his Post Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Physiotherapy, from Curtin University, Perth, WA (1995). He completed his PhD at Curtin University (2005). Associate Professor Dr Peter O’Sullivan was his principal supervisor.During his doctoral studies Wim was a Lecturer at the prestigious Professional Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy program at Curtin University of Technology, Perth WA.Wim is member of Prof Peter O’Sullivan’s collaborative research team since 2001. His main interest of research is into mechanism-based classification for CLBP. He has published several papers and presented his research findings at many internationalconferences. He has also presented many clinical courses on the treatment of chronic low back pain internationally.

Date: will be announced

Location:  Essen



Der Mensch soll lernen, nur die Ochsen büffeln



Die SAMPT- Essenz


Die SAMPT-Essenz sind interessant für Physiotherapeuten und Ärzte, die nicht die gesamte Zertifikatsausbildung durchlaufen möchten, für Kollegen, die auf der Suche nach einem wirklich zeitgemäßen Update von Untersuchgs- und Behandlungsstrategien muskuloskeletaler Störungen sind. Auch Teilnehmer der CFT-Kurse die Interesse an einem praxisnahen Transfer von der Theorie in den klinischen Alltag haben, finden hier was sie suchen

Modul 1 – 7

Die Kursreihenfolge ist klar strukturiert und klinisch sinnvoll aufeinander aufbauend angeordnet.


Forschungsgestützte Erkenntnisse über die Wirkungsweisen von artikulären Manipulationen,


Dieser einzigartige drei Tage Workshop vermittelt Peter O Sullivans Klassifizierungsmodell für die Beurteilung und Behandlung komplizierter Rückenschmerzen.

SAMPT x PhysioBib

Clinical Reasoning und Differentialdiagnostik bei unspezifischen Rückenschmerzen

Doctor´s Day

Spezifische Pathologien und ihre Erkennung in bildgebenden Verfahren (Röntgen, CT, MRT, Sonographie, Szintigraphie).


Klaus Orthmayr
Brunnsiepen 1
45259 Essen

0201  984 063 0